Title: Demi Moore's Unusual Golden Globe Win for 'The Substance' in Horror Genre
Demi Moore's golden victory at the Golden Globes is quite a shocker, especially considering the genre of her winning role. Moore clinched the Best Performance by a Female Actor in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy award for her nerve-wracking performance in "The Substance." Surprisingly, this horror flick fell within the category's parameters due to its cheeky dark humor.
Sunday night, Moore etched her name in history as one of the rare female actors to take home a Golden Globe for a horror role. However, the film's satirical undertone helped secure four nominations, including tags for Moore and writer-director Coralie Fargeat.
Moore's character, Elizabeth Sparkle, fared much worse. Once a star in Hollywood, Elizabeth enjoyed a successful second act as a TV aerobics guru. That glory came crashing down at the turning of 50, when her crass boss (Dennis Quaid) fired her, looking to replace her with a younger host.
To regain her youth, Elizabeth resorted to injecting herself with a black-market drug dubbed "The Substance." This substance miraculously replicated her cells, giving her a younger, supposedly "improved" version of herself, which she christened Sue. However, improper use of the drug had dire consequences.
"The Substance" is undeniably a body horror film, loaded with bloodshed and gore. Elizabeth's neglectful use of the drug led to grotesque, monstrous consequences.
Speaking of winning horror roles, let's rewind the tape to 2007. That year, Johnny Depp won a Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy for his rendition of Sweeney Todd. Depp's dark, gruesome tale of a demon barber may not have seemed typical for the category, but the narrative's macabre elements eventually won him the trophy.
When examining Depp's victory, it's important to remember that "Sweeney Todd" was a musical adaptation of a famous Broadway play. Although the subject matter hearkened back to dark horror themes, the setting and styling made it a potential fit for a musical or comedy category.
Jumping back further, in 1991, Jodie Foster claimed the Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama Golden Globe for her role in "The Silence of the Lambs." Debates stir around whether this classic ought to be considered a horror film or a psychological thriller. Regardless, it's a chilling portrayal of serial killer Hannibal Lecter.
Another flick that checkmarks several genres, including horror, is "Misery," a 1990 movie adaptation. Starring Kathy Bates, this film brought her a Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama Golden Globe. If film purists debate that "Misery" doesn't make the horror cut, there's a film from the early 1970s that gleefully defies genre expectations.
"The Exorcist," from 1973, is gripping tale of demonic possession that earns star Linda Blair a Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture Golden Globe and a Most Promising Newcomer award (award no longer in use).
No one knows what the future holds for Moore's awards journey after her triumph at the Golden Globes. The Screen Actors Guild Nominations will unfold on Wednesday, and we eagerly await the January 17, 2025 Oscar nominations announcement.
Meanwhile, horror fans clamor for the genre's recognition from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences. Coralie Fargeat, the director of "The Substance," is among those voicing support for treating horror films as equals to other movies.
"I really don't see horror films as any different from other movies," Fargeat explained to IndieWire. "Yeah, they are extremely political. They are great ways to tell so many things in such a rude and indelicate way. I really believe that they should compete at the same level as everything else."
You can watch "The Substance" on Mubi and purchase or rent it on video on demand.
Enrichment Data:
- Since the inception of the Golden Globe Awards, few female actors have secured a win in the category for a horror film role, making Demi Moore's accomplishment remarkable.
- Historically, horror films have been underrepresented in major award ceremonies, but the recognition of "The Substance" highlights the changing tide in acknowledging horror as a legitimate and celebrated genre.
- Each year, the number of horror films being recognized in major award ceremonies continues to grow, further cementing the genre's place in modern Hollywood.
- Dennis Quaid played a significant role in 'The Substance', acting as Moore's crass boss who pushed her to use the black-market drug.
- Alongside Demi Moore, the cast of 'The Substance' includes Margaret Qualley, who portrays the younger version of Moore's character after she undergoes the substance's effects.
- With its body horror elements, 'The Substance' on Mubi is considered a must-watch for horror movie enthusiasts, showcasing Demi Moore's gritty performance.
- Coralie Fargeat, who directed 'The Substance', has expressed her belief that horror films should be treated equally and compete at the same level as other genres in major award ceremonies.
- Demi Moore has a rich filmography, with 'The Substance' being one of her notable horror movies, joining the growing list of recognized horror films in mainstream award ceremonies.