Title: Kiss Nears Top Spot on American Music Charts Again
In 2024, Kiss found themselves back in the limelight, unexpectedly, following their permanent disbandment. The band's iconic hit, "I Was Made For Lovin' You," made a comeback, thanks to its feature in the movie "The Fall Guy." This recurrence catapulted Kiss back into the spotlight, likely securing a substantial sync fee.
Since the film's release, "I Was Made For Lovin' You" has continued to thrive. The week in question turned out to be its most successful yet, marking significant milestones on two Billboard charts.
Firstly, the song re-entered the Rock Digital Song Sales list, making Kiss one of the top-selling rock acts in America. This time, "I Was Made For Lovin' You" claimed the tenth spot, marking the first top 10 hit for Kiss on this chart. Previously, only "Hell or Hallelujah" (No. 39) and "Beth" (No. 43) had managed to make a dent in the list.
Secondly, Kiss achieved an even more remarkable feat on the Hard Rock Digital Song Sales chart. Originally peaking at No. 8, the classic song jumped to the second position, underscoring its enduring appeal within the harder genre of rock. This achievement tied "I Was Made For Lovin' You" with "Hell or Hallelujah" as Kiss's highest-ranking songs on this chart, both achieving this position for a short stint.
Regrettably, despite their notable history and influence in hard rock, Kiss has yet to claim the top spot on the sales ranking dedicated to this genre. Their near miss with "I Was Made For Lovin' You" leaves them still seeking that coveted first No. 1 past to call their own.
In the broader realm, "I Was Made For Lovin' You" currently holds the top spot on Billboard's Top TV Songs chart due to its prominent role in the third season of the Disney+ series "What If…?"[3] This recent chart success echoes the song's ongoing popularity and relevance in contemporary media.
After the movie's release, "Kiss's I Was Made For Lovin' You" saw a significant boost in sales, re-entering the Kiss's biggest hits and securing a spot on the Kiss number one songs list. Moreover, the song's resurgence brought it back to the Billboard charts, achieving the number one position on the Hard Rock Digital Song Sales chart, a feat it had previously reached with "Hell or Hallelujah". Remarkably, "I Was Made For Lovin' You" also climbed to the tenth position on the Rock Digital Song Sales chart, marking its first top 10 hit on this chart. This resurgence of Kiss's iconic hit has solidified their place in the contemporary music landscape, as it currently holds the top spot on Billboard's Top TV Songs chart.