Title: Remembering Robert Machray: The Beloved 'Cheers' and Stage Actor, Gone at 79
Robert Machray, a well-known figure in the world of theater and television, passed away at his North Hollywood home on January 12th. He was 79 years old. The news was shared on Facebook by his husband, Luigi Camperchioli, who described the peaceful end to Machray's brief struggle with dementia.
Born on May 4, 1945, in San Diego, California, Robert Machray began his acting journey later in life. After studying anthropology at Yale and attending USC, he made his television debut in 1977 with the TV movie "Panic in Echo Park." His career took off from there, with guest roles in series such as "Operation Petticoat," "Three’s Company," "Cheers," "Roseanne," and "Suddenly Susan." His most recent appearance was in "Parks and Recreation."
Machray's love for the stage was evident in his numerous Broadway and off-Broadway productions. He garnered critical acclaim for his roles in "Orson's Shadow," winning a Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle prize for his portrayal of filmmaker Orson Welles. He also starred in "Amadeus" and "The Boys Next Door," as well as in Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot."
On screen, Machray played various roles, from the villain in "Cutting Class" to the clumsy Dobbins in "Cheers." His four-episode stint on the classic sitcom made him a household name. In addition, Machray lent his voice to characters in the "Star Wars" video games "Rogue Squadron II" and "Rogue Squadron III."
Throughout his five-decade-long career, Machray appeared in numerous television shows and films, earning him a devoted fanbase. His talent and versatility as an actor will be remembered and celebrated by his many admirers. His legacy lives on in the hearts of those who knew and loved him, as well as in the countless entertainments he brought to their lives.
Following Robert Machray's successful career in theater and television, Hollywood took notice of his talent. His versatility led to numerous roles in the entertainment industry, establishing him as a respected figure in the Hollywood business.
His passing triggered an outpouring of tributes from fans and colleagues in the entertainment world, reflecting the impact he made in the world of Hollywood business and entertainment.